Saturday, March 24, 2007

How surreal office small talk can get *

MF: you know what we say when someone get a haircut as yours?
MM: No …
MF: we say that he has fallen asleep on the barber chair …
MM: Well, that’s true for me … and the barber is also Italian. This is the result

JP: Ehi mmh mmh did you copy my haircut?
MM: Yes. I’m copycat
JP: 2mm set on hair trimmer?

MM: No, between 2 and 3
JP: Mmh Mmh I see

YO: Oh man, now you look really like Jean Reno
MM: Are you kidding me?
YO: No, you look like him ... I mean, kind of ...
MM: Well also HM told me that ...

*title by SH. I was for "How a haircut can change your social life at work"


grosrat said...

secondo me stai troppo bene.
in effetti un po jean reno lo sei, tipo ne Le grand bleu.

ps call me a milano if you re at home cheers

achab said...

grosrat apri la tua posta gmail che chattiamo su dai!